Programming Guardian Remote Controls

This video will provide a step-by-step explanation on how to program a remote control to a Guardian operator.  Click on the link below.

Questions: Please call Guardian tech service 1-424-272-6998



  1. Simon Ho's picture
    Apr 02, 2024


    Please show me how to identify the model of the New England Guardian garage door overhead.
    The garage door overhead is very old. We moved into the house 20+ years ago and the overhead unit is already there.
    I need the model to program a new remote control that I put in my car. I lost the old remote that has the code in it.
    If you could coach me on how to program the new handheld remote that's in my car, that would be wonderful.
    Thanks -

  1. Brian's picture
    Apr 02, 2024

    Your garage door opener was not made by Guardian Access & Door Hardware, buy by a company called Challenger.  There is a company that sells remote controls for the Challenger and would be able to help you better than we can.  Please follow the link to their site.


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